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Beginner's Double Bass
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Chapter 1: Getting Started
01. Course Introduction (1:23)
02. The Names of the Open Strings (1:27)
02b. Open String Exercises (3:37)
02c. Open String Blues (3:00)
03. How to Tune the Double Bass (10:24)
Chapter 2: Posture
04. Standing Posture (9:05)
05. Playing Seated (4:06)
05b. Right Hand Technique Primer Lesson (2:16)
Chapter 3: Introducing Left Hand Technique
06. Introducing Left Hand Technique (6:35)
06b. Exercises to Divide the Fingers (2:28)
07. Quick Overview of the Fingerboard (4:31)
08. Left Hand Fingers and Half Position (5:30)
08b. Maintaining Your Hand Shape in Half Position (6:35)
08c. 'Stand by Me' Style Primer Lesson (2:22)
09. 'Stand By Me' Style Bass Riff (3:47)
Chapter 4: Half Position
10. Learning the Notes of Half Position (4:39)
10b. Bass Line in E Minor (2:46)
11. 'Love Cats' Style Bass Line (2:42)
Chapter 5: General Techniques Pt. 1
12. Introducing String Muting (1:16)
12b. Open String Blues with Left Hand Muting (3:20)
12c. Blues Bass Line in B Minor (7:10)
13. Left Hand Thumb... Stop the Squeeze! (3:27)
14. A Minor Riff (5:06)
15. Right Hand Technique (7:00)
15b. Bluesy Bass Pattern in Half Position (3:29)
Chapter 6: First Position
16. Introducing First Position (2:50)
16b. Octaves Practice (2:18)
16c. Octaves Bass Lines in C Major (3:02)
17. Bass Blues Melody (5:20)
18. 'Fever' Style Bass Line (4:03)
Chapter 7: Major Scales
19. Scales: Pt. 1 - F and Bb Major (5:13)
20. Scales: Pt. 2 - G and C Major Scales (5:09)
21. G Major Study Piece (5:16)
22. Scales: Pt. 3 - E and A Major Scales (4:17)
23. Major Scale Practice Riff (My Baby Just Cares for Me) (2:15)
23b. Pentatonic Scale Bass Line (4:26)
Chapter 8: Bowing Technique
24. Introducing the Bow (4:30)
25. German Bow Hold (3:27)
26. Bowing Exercises. Starting the notes. (3:31)
27. German Bow Hold Pt. 2 (1:56)
28. French Bow Hold (3:33)
29. Three Variables of Bow Control (4:58)
30. Dividing up the Bow Strokes (1:12)
31. Bowing at Different Parts of the Stick (1:06)
Chapter 9: General Techniques Pt. 2
32. Left Hand Shape Overview (3:04)
33. How to Tell if You are Out of Tune (4:49)
34. C Minor Riff (7:41)
35. Transitioning from the Bass Guitar to the Double Bass (7:31)
Chapter 10: Learning the Fingerboard Pt. 1
36. Tuning Anchors (5:19)
37. Mix of Half and First Positions (2:29)
38. 'King of the Road' Style Bass Line (4:43)
Chapter 11: Shifting Technique
39. Shifting Technique (9:04)
40. Shifting Whilst Standing Tip (2:30)
Chapter 12: Learning the Fingerboard Pt. 2
41. How to Choose Fingerings (4:22)
41b. Essential Scale Patterns (6:22)
42. Introducing Chromatic Scales Pt. 1 (4:37)
Chapter 13: Minor Scales
43. E and A Minor Scales (2:54)
44. F and Bb Minor Scales (1:51)
45. G and C Minor Scales (2:07)
Chapter 14: Improving Intonation
46. Practising with Drone Notes (3:37)
47. Finger Replacements Pt. 1 - The Glide Exercise (4:13)
47b. Finger Replacements Pt. 2 - Bass Line (2:59)
Chapter 15: Learning the Fingerboard Pt. 3
48. Introducing the Neck Heel (2:45)
49. Introducing Chromatic Scales: Pt. 2 (1:57)
50. D Major Riff (4:02)
51. How to Memorise the Notes of the Fingerboard (5:52)
Chapter 16: Dominant 7th Scales
52. Dominant 7th Scales (3:15)
Chapter 17: Learning the Fingerboard Pt. 4
53. How to Play 4ths on the Double Bass (3:45)
54. Three Positions of the Neck Heel (3:51)
55. One Octave Chromatic Scale Exercise (2:02)
56. Bmin - E7 Riff (5:45)
Chapter 18: In the Practice Room
57. Warming Up (2:37)
58. How to Practice (4:48)
Chapter 19: Rhythm
59. Working with a Metronome Pt. 1 (4:03)
60. Working with a Metronome Pt. 2 (1:11)
61. Ghost Notes (5:01)
62. Slapped Notes (2:29)
Chapter 20: General Technique Pt. 3
63. String Muting Exercise (3:34)
64. Setting the Bass Height - Extra Guidance (5:04)
65. Right Hand Fingerings to Play Fills (3:11)
66. G Minor Riff (5:53)
Chapter 21: Arpeggios
67. Introducing Arpeggios: Pt. 1 Major 7th (6:24)
68. Introducing Arpeggios: Pt. 2 Dominant 7th (2:48)
69. Introducing Arpeggios: Pt. 3 Minor 7th (2:49)
Chapter 22: Adding Expression
70. Vibrato Technique (5:27)
71. Hammer Ons and Pull Offs (2:27)
72. Slides (1:41)
Chapter 23: Introducing Thumb Position
73. Introducing Thumb Position (8:13)
74. Semi-Chromatic and Chromatic Hand Shapes (4:00)
75. Standing Posture and Thumb Position (2:43)
Chapter 24: Evaluating Your Technique
76. Evaluating Your Playing: Pt. 1 Timing (2:10)
77. Evaluating Your Playing: Pt. 2 Articulations (1:21)
78. Evaluating Your Playing: Pt. 3 Vibrato (1:39)
Chapter 25 : Gear Guide Pt. 1 - The Instrument
79. An Overview of the Double Bass (10:18)
80. Handling the Double Bass (6:17)
81. How to Avoid Damage (3:51)
Chapter 26: Gear Guide Pt. 2 - The Equipment
82. Strings Guide (2:09)
83. Amplification Guide (5:55)
84. Double Bass Accessories (6:10)
Chapter 27: Course Conclusion
85. Course Conclusion (1:45)
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Next Steps (3:10)
76. Evaluating Your Playing: Pt. 1 Timing
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