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Bessie's Bass Busters
Course Introduction
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Chapter 1: Bessie's Basic Bass Busters
01. The Four Elements of Plucked Upright Bass Sound (7:31)
02. Air, Earth, Fire & Water - F Blues Play-Along Track (2:07)
03. The Half Position Workout (8:48)
04. Half Position Workout - F Blues Play-Along Track (1:54)
05. Russell Hall's Rhythm Workout (10:41)
06. Quarter Note Shuffle - F Blues Play-Along Track (1:49)
07. The Two Feel: Dancing on the bass. (13:28)
08. The Two Feel - Autumn Leaves Play-Along Track (2:53)
09. Expanding Your Bass Lines: Sequences, motivic development. (12:54)
10. Sequences - Bb Rhythm Changes Play-Along Track (2:08)
11. Right Hand Technique of Legendary Bassists (13:25)
12. Right Hand Technique Demonstration - Bb Blues Play-Along Track (2:46)
Chapter 2: Bessie's Jazz Bass Busters
13. Phrasing (13:32)
14. Different Styles of Phrasing - Groovin' High Play-Along Track (2:13)
15. Posture and Left Hand Technique (4:13)
16. Ballad Playing (11:13)
17. Ballad Playing - Body and Soul Play-Along Track (2:49)
18. Reharmonizing on the Fly (9:31)
19. Rhythmic Displacement (9:55)
20. Rhythmic Displacement - Bb Blues Play-Along Track (1:49)
21. Playing Across the Barline - Stella by Starlight Play-Along Track (1:24)
Chapter 3: Bessie's Bandstand Bass Busters
22. The Evolution of Jazz Bass Pt.1 (5:38)
23. The Evolution of Jazz Bass Pt.2 (8:37)
24. Jazz Bass Through the Ages - Bb Rhythm Changes Play-Along Track (3:47)
25. Playing in Three (8:19)
26. Playing in Three - All Blues Play-Along Track (1:46)
27. Playing Grooves (12:46)
28. Transitioning Between Different Grooves - Night in Tunisia Play-Along Track (1:22)
29. Odd Meters Workout (7:21)
30. Odd Meters - All the Things You Are Play-Along Track (1:02)
31. Early Jazz (7:21)
32. Early Jazz Bass Styles- Honeysuckle Rose Play-Along Track (1:20)
33. How to Play Fast (12:09)
34. Building Stamina (5:38)
35. Uptempo Right Hand Technique - Bb Rhythm Changes Play-Along Track (1:55)
36. Playing in Unfamiliar Keys (5:30)
37. How to Memorize Songs - Honeysuckle Rose, All of You (13:41)
38. Intros and Endings (12:55)
39. Thumb Position Technique (6:44)
40. Guide Tones, Passing Tones & Leading Tones for Walking Bass Lines (10:15)
Course Discussion with Geoff Chalmers
41. Course Discussion Pt.1 - Left Hand Technique (9:06)
42. Course Discussion Pt.2 - Harmony (10:28)
43. Course Discussion Pt.3 - Triplet Fills and Drops (6:33)
44. Course Discussion Pt.4 - Soloing and Finding Your Voice (6:16)
Course Conclusion
45. Course Conclusion (0:58)
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Bonus Section
Black Caesar by Russell Hall - Solo Performance (2:36)
39. Thumb Position Technique
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