Phrasing Tips (Black Orpheus)

Learning Objectives:

In this lesson I share my top tips on how to improve your phrasing and explain why it's crucial if you want to create awesome solos.

So what is phrasing? Phrasing refers to the way we choose and play our note choices in order to express an emotion or impression. To play a compelling solo you need phrases which build upon each other and hold the listeners attention. However, in reality many of us can't get beyond playing patterns that fit the chord sequence.

Check out this video to learn my top phrasing tips to help you get beyond playing patterns and start to play 'real' music! A lot of these ideas are simple to understand but require regular practice to make second nature. I recommend writing them out to add to your practice routine.

I demonstrate this method I use the chord progression to 'Black Orpheus' by Luiz Bonfá.

Backing Track & Chord Progression for 'Black Orpeheus':


Further Study:

I have provided a transcription of my solo from this lesson for reference.


Listening List:

I recommend the following recordings of Black Orpheus:

Brian Bromberg (one of my all time favourite recordings!)
Ray Brown (at the age of 75!)

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